Contact Us


8855 Veterans Highway
Millersville, MD  21108

Hours of operation.

Office: M-F, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Programs: M-F, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Transportation: 7:30 - 8:30 am and 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Workforce Development Opportunities.

Please contact Denise Tubman, Sr. Employment Specialist at if you would like more information about providing employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities.

Sr. Director of Meaningful Day.

Please contact Carrie Lycett, our Sr. Director of Meaningful Day, if you would like more information about OBI's programming.

Questions Regarding Your Person-Centered Goals.

Please contact Carrie Lycett, Sr. Director of Meaningful Day, if you would like more information about your loved one and their care.

Application for Individual Services.

For more information about our application process for services, please contact Denise Hromada, Coordinator of Person-Centered Plan,

Career Opportunities with OBI.

For more information about career opportunities with OBI, please contact Steve Wilbourne, our Human Resources Manager,


For information about any upcoming events or ways to support OBI, please contact Kelly Vollman, our Marketing and Communications Coordinator,

Volunteer Opportunities.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like to assist on a committee, please contact Steve Wilbourne, our Manager of Human Resources,

How to apply.

Prior to submitting an application, we highly recommend that you set up a time to virtually meet with Denise Hromada. to discuss your specific interest in OBI as well as to learn more about our available programs.

Opportunity Builders, Inc.
Attn: Denise Hromada
8855 Veterans Highway
Millersville, MD  21108